Managed ROISales Versus Cost Analysis

Our team of experts can manage your website and marketplace sales vs cost and follow business rules/guidelines towards increasing sales while over time decreasing % cost. We are able to do this for clients that reach a minimum sales level threshold.

Sales and Inventory Reports show trends and triggers for reordering and inventory management. Critical user behavior and marketing spend/conversion data from places like Google Analytics(tm), Google AdWords and Bing Ads (tm). This information is available inside the platform, giving you access to key metrics for merchandising and decision making.

Google Analytics
Google Adwords
Google Adwords

Attentive and experienced management of Amazon Advertising as well as custom tracking and analysis lead to higher Amazon sales and ROI. Advanced understanding of internet marketing and customer behavior fundamentals are key in managing this rapid growth model involving Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) in Seller Central and/or Vendor Central. Competition analysis and action plans lead to better ad placement and increased inventory reordering.

Amazon Advertising


PA Web Design by Nittany Web Works